
Finding the Right Health Insurance

For guidance on which health insurance plan best meets your family’s specific needs, Better Health Advisors can help.

Choosing the best health insurance plan for you and your family can be confusing, but it’s worth the effort to find a plan that meets your health needs as well as your financial needs. The time to figure out if you have the right insurance is not when you’re standing in the ER dealing with a health crisis—it’s now.

Take Erica, for example. Erica* lives in Denver where she retired at the age of 65. Once she was off her employer's health insurance, Erica consulted with someone who advised her to take out a private insurance plan, even though she was eligible for Medicare. Two years later, Erica was dissatisfied with her current plan and she reached out to Better Health Advisors for help. We recommended that she start using Medicare, but since Erica did not enroll when she first became eligible, she is now burdened with a lifetime penalty fee.

BHA sees issues like this time and time again. An individual requires medical care, but their insurance plan is not aligned with their needs. Whether you are looking to select new insurance during the Open Enrollment period or discuss options for future coverage, a health advisor can offer valuable insights.

From November 1 to December 15, individuals and families can sign up for health insurance on the Healthcare Marketplace, change plans, or switch insurers. Navigating the Marketplace website and understanding the health insurance jargon can be challenging and time-consuming. However, identifying the best health insurance plan is the first step to ensuring that you have the coverage you need, when you need it.

For guidance on which health insurance plan best meets your family’s specific needs, Better Health Advisors can help. If you have questions, email John and the BHA team at

*All identifying details have been changed.

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